
Madagascar presentation

Madagascar presentation

Madagascar presentation

Madagascar presentation

General data

Official name: Republic of Madagascar
Nature of the regime: Presidential
Head of the State: S.E.M. Hery Rajaonarimampianina (invested president of the Republic on January 25th, 2014).

Geographical data

Superficie : 592.000 km²
Capitale : Tananarive
Villes principales : Tananarive, Tamatave, Majunga
Langue (s) officielle (s) : malgache, français, anglais
Langue (s) courante (s) : malgache, français
Monnaie : Ariary (3.224 ariary for 1 €, in December 2012, Bank of France)
National holiday: June 26th

Demographic data

Population: 22.92 million inhabitants (the World Bank, 2013)
Density: 37.65 habitants/km ²
Population growth: 2.79 % (the World Bank, 2012)
Life expectancy at birth: 64 years (the World Bank, 2013)
Rate of literacy: 66 % (the World Bank, 2010)
Religion(s): Traditional common fud centered on the respect of the ancestors (50 %); Christianity (45 %), including 25 % of Catholics and 20 % of Protestants; Islam (5 %)
Index of human development: 155th on 187 countries (UNDP, 2014)

Economic situation


GDP (2012): 9.975 Mds $ (the World Bank)
GDPper capita(2012):447.5$

Growth rate: 2% (the World Bank, 2013)
Unemployment rate (within the meaning of the ILO): nonwell informed
Rateofinflation(consumer price):6.35 %in 2012(theWorld Bank)

Main clients: France (29% in 2012), Germany (7%), China (7%)
Main suppliers:United Arab Emirates(15%in 2012),China(14%),France(6%)

Share of the principal branches of industry in the GDP

  • Agriculture: 28 % (Rice)
  • Industry: 15 % (Textile)
  • Services: 57 % (Tourism, TIC)

Exports from France toMadagascar: 296 M€ in 2013
French imports from Madagascar: 380 M€ in 2013

Consulate(s) of France: Tananarive
Detached chancelleries: Majunga, Diego Suarez, Tamatave
French Community in Madagascar: 25,000 people (including 13,000 with dual nationality)
Malagasy Community in France: approximately 70,000 people